Jun 20Liked by Jim Palmer

Lots to unpack here. Thank you! What makes me feel we’re living in perilous times is what you said about House Speaker Mike Johnson. He’s 2nd in line for president and he’s pushing for “biblically sanctioned government”. You’re right, it is absurd. Johnson’s certitude and the number of Americans who agree with his position is frightening. As you said “The people who say this sort of thing actually believe that Almighty God is on their side. As the Crusades and the Holocaust taught us, this can be a dangerous and deadly idea.” So many are blind to this truth. I hope more eyes are open by writers like you. But I’m well aware people must be willing to open their eyes. I’ve been reading you for a while and have had a similar spiritual journey, largely landing in the same place as you are right now. And thanks for mentioning Heather Cox Richardson. She’s a tremendous historian.

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Yes, I agree with all that you said.

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Jun 20Liked by Jim Palmer

A remarkable essay! I've studied theology but have become simple-minded. For politics, Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Hubbell are my go-to sources while a variety of texts feed my spirit and soul. There's no intersection of the two. That said, this essay is worth reading and rereading, so thanks, Jim. Textjacking is my favorite new word!

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Jun 20Liked by Jim Palmer

It seems historically that when religion mixes with politics the systems become corrupt. Women and marginalized groups lose rights and the pairing becomes a tyranny. Not a good mix

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Jun 20Liked by Jim Palmer

So much to say and not enough words to even begin to address where we are today with the Bible thumpers. I do not say Bible believers be cause you can’t really believe and then act out the narrative in such an oxymoronic way. Great article and many thanks for your time

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You have limited the answer by the question. May people use sacred scriptures to influence their character and their actions. It is in using and applying beliefs and traditions of their own particular faith that they become engaged. The topic is too broad and the dialectic too constrained to enable an answer.

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It's plain as the nose on your face, that any self respecting God wouldn't put his stamp of approval or attach himself in any way to a corrupt, disgusting lying machine called the USA. God said he put an end to all these kingdoms (governments) and set up a kingdom that would never be brought to ruin. In other words , he hates all of todays, murderous lying governments enough to destroy them all. And you want to be part of them by voting and picking sides of evil against evil. Choosing the lessor of 2 evils is still choosing evil. Even the God of this world wouldn't be stupid enough to be a Democrat or republican. He uses both to be a criminal part of society.


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Whats missing in a lot of these type of pieces is that politics and voting does not really matter because God is the one that decides who becomes President/King, etc, whether they be blessings or curses. More often than not, God gives people the leaders they desire and often with disastrous results. Every King in ancient Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord and only a couple in Judea did what was right. This was because Israel's society refused to turn from their idols and degeneracy. Fast forward to today and is it any different? God is only giving American society what it wants, which is a marvel comics side show.

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